
Readings are to provide awareness to certain situations. We all use ‘Clair’ senses to connect whether its psychicly or in mediumship. Though I can provide a connection for you, I still think that you yourself can connect with your loved ones yourself. They want to connect with you.

How it works:

Psychic Mediumship is not like on the movies. I can not see spirit the way I see you. In fact, it’s a very small percentage of mediums that can see apparitions with the naked eye. We as psychic medium practitioners have to quiet the mind to receive. Though the basics are the same for us, the way we receive information will all be completely different. Just like artists…Some can draw well, some can draw great, and some are so amazing they are in museums. Those in the light working industry are the same way. As in all professions , we have specialties and strengths. It’s based on our ‘Clairs’, we receive information based on which Clair is our strongest and then it is supported by the others.

What are the ‘Clair’ Senses?

  1. Clairvoyance - Clear seeing. This is perceived by impressions or with my eyes.

  2. Claircognizance - Clear knowing. This is the hardest clair to have in my opinion. Its one of my strongest clairs. “I just know”

  3. Clairsentience - Clear feeling. I call myself a “super absorber” I can feel illnesses, emotions, and injuries. This is a strong clair for me as well.

  4. Clairaudience - Clear hearing. Hearing can be heard with your ears as well as with your mind.

  5. Clairalience - Clear smelling. Ever been in a room by yourself and all of a sudden you get that smell of sweet Tabaco your grandpa use to smoke? Guess what? He’s letting you know he’s there.

  6. Clairaugstance - Clear tasting. The ability to taste something that isn’t really there

Did you know that you can strengthen ALL your clair’s by different exercises? It’s true.

How to be a good sitter for readings

This is rarely talked about, so I think it’s important to inform the client on how to be completely ready for a reading. Please remember that in mediumship the pracitioner does not have control on who comes in. So let go of all expectations on who you want to connect with. Letting go of expections will open you up to messages that you really need to hear vs wants to hear. Come prepared with a pad of paper and pen. Write down everything you feel is important. Remember your family tree!! HA, many people come into a reading forgetting who there friends, bosses, or family members are. It can be your grandparents, great grandparents, your significant others family members. You may also get information that is not for you, but you end up being the messenger for someone else. Spirit is brilliant and will deliver the message of who needs to hear it the most, if that just happens to be your best friend, then spirit will and often do take the opportunity presented. I will say, whether you become the messenger or not, there is always a learning lesson if you are open to it. Please keep a box of tissues close by. I find that happy news will also make you cry, not to worry…this is normal. It’s part of your healing.

Key phrases to tell your reader:

  1. Yes, I can take all of that

  2. Yes, I can take some of that, then tell your reader what you can take.

  3. I can’t resonate with that right now, but I’ll write it down and think on it. You might be surprised….sometimes you can identify with information later that day or the next or maybe you become the messenger for someone else.

I find that if you keep your phrases positive for your reader; it will help them keep their vibrations up so that their connection stays strong.

Grief, where do you think you fall?

Please know that there is two different types of grief: One where you can find closure, but there is also ambiguous loss. Ambiguous loss is usually attached to those who will never get closer on your loved ones death, but still needs to live on and thrive in the world around you. Ambiguous Loss includes situations when a loved one is physically missing or bodily gone. Catastrophic examples of physical ambiguous loss include kidnapping and missing bodies due to war, terrorism, ethnic cleansing, genocide, and natural disasters such as earthquake, flood, and tsunami.